Plant & Construction Equipment

Protecting plant & construction equipment

Many leading companies have successfully protected their plant equipment from theft at construction sites across the UK by using SelectaDNA. Theft from construction sites is an ever-creasing problem with an estimated £100 million of plant being stolen per annum including scaffolding, excavators, compressors and even cranes. Using SelectaDNA will have a big impact on deterring thieves from stealing your construction materials.

Please find below our range of SelectaDNA Trace products for you to purchase today.

Plant & Construction Equipment

5 Products

SelectaDNA Medium Commercial Kit

SelectaDNA Medium Commercial Kit

This Property Marking kit is designed for Medium sized Businesses, larger SMEs as well as medium sized Schools, University Departments and Local Councils.

SelectaDNA Large Commercial Kit

SelectaDNA Large Commercial Kit

A DNA Forensic Property Marking kit designed for large businesses, larger schools, universities and local councils. Marks and protects up to 1000 items of property.

SelectaDNA Trace Aerosol (150ml)

SelectaDNA Trace Aerosol (150ml)

A 150ml aerosol of SelectaDNA Trace to mark and protect cable and other precious metals out in the field.

SelectaDNA Trace Aerosol (250ml)

SelectaDNA Trace Aerosol (250ml)

A 250ml aerosol of SelectaDNA Trace to mark and protect cable and other precious metals out in the field.

SelectaDNA Trace Scanner

SelectaDNA Trace Scanner

High-tech electronic scanner to read and identify property including metal and cable which has been marked with SelectaDNA Trace.